1.   The graduating midshipmen receive new covers as officers, either as a Navy ensign or Marine Corps second lieutenant.

2.   Instead, he spoke in generalities about challenges and opportunities the graduating midshipmen face and to pay tribute to the Navy, its traditions and its heroes.

3.   Instead, he was to talk in generalities about challenges and opportunities the graduating midshipmen faced and to pay tribute to the Navy, its traditions and its heroes.

4.   President Bush was opening the Memorial Day weekend with a salute to graduating midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy, renewing his focus on military morale and readiness.

a. + midshipman >>共 13
female 33.33%
graduating 16.67%
fellow 8.33%
former 4.17%
junior 4.17%
male 4.17%
navy 4.17%
rowing 4.17%
senior 4.17%
the 4.17%
graduating + n. >>共 24
class 40.65%
senior 23.23%
student 12.90%
cadet 3.87%
midshipman 2.58%
college 1.94%
pilot 1.94%
child 1.29%
classmate 1.29%
player 1.29%
每页显示:    共 4