1.   A similar proposal is already under review, requiring student-athletes to maintain a specified grade average in college to regain the lost year.

2.   Essentially, students are being required to pass the TAAS, keep absenteeism to a minimum, and in general, hold a passing grade average throughout the year.

3.   Study, study, study to get your grade average up.

4.   The missed test dropped his grade average.

5.   The university has plans to use computers to monitor courses with high failure rates to prevent students from repeating elective classes to get a better grade average.

6.   To be elected, a student must have more than a high grade average.

7.   Williams did so out of frustration with a nationally maligned public school system where the black male grade average was a D and parents screamed for change.

n. + average >>共 144
market 22.50%
industry 13.21%
grade-point 10.00%
four-week 3.57%
season 2.50%
league 2.32%
goal 2.14%
benchmark 1.79%
three-month 1.79%
five-year 1.43%
grade 1.25%
grade + n. >>共 187
level 26.84%
inflation 9.30%
rating 2.85%
class 2.40%
student 2.25%
dysplasia 2.25%
teacher 2.10%
rice 1.95%
lymphoma 1.65%
schooler 1.65%
average 1.05%
每页显示:    共 7