1.   And the additional truth is that Congress should permit some increases and some decreases in basic governmental functions.

2.   A year ago, a razor-thin margin of voters endorsed a plan to create an elected assembly to assume control of many governmental functions.

3.   But advances in technology, pressures for innovation, the privatization of other governmental functions and the movement toward school choice have created opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs.

4.   It also claims it performs no governmental function and that no government agency controls it.

5.   Morgan had been charged with one count of conspiracy to impair, impede, defeat and obstruct the proper and lawful governmental functions of the IRS.

6.   Most choose to use that money for economic development and other governmental functions.

7.   Sovereign immunity protects governments from unwarranted attacks on their treasuries and undue intrusion on governmental functions.

8.   The debate over when to attribute governmental functions to a nominally private organization is an old one at the court.

9.   Aircraft control, telecommunications, electrical power, financial services and governmental functions are all at risk from the bug.

10.   These governmental functions are supposed to be handled by the Muslim-Croat federation and violate the federal constitution.

a. + function >>共 772
bodily 2.95%
official 2.74%
basic 2.55%
public 2.46%
important 2.28%
social 2.25%
same 1.91%
different 1.82%
normal 1.82%
liver 1.79%
governmental 0.30%
governmental + n. >>共 338
agency 7.36%
body 4.70%
affair 2.86%
power 2.56%
entity 2.25%
authority 2.15%
policy 1.84%
institution 1.53%
administration 1.53%
structure 1.43%
function 1.02%
每页显示:    共 10