1.   Allies of Banzer quietly threatened to cut off government advertising in the newspaper.

2.   Backed by official government advertising, members of government coalition parties and the government itself have started their campaigns.

3.   But clumsy repression has rarely been needed, because until recently pro-government attitudes prevailed among broadcasters and newspaper owners, many of whom have profited from government advertising.

4.   In Botswana, the editor of The Midweek Sun, Mike Mothibi, said his paper and others had lost government advertising.

5.   Nor will they forget the saturation of television and other media with government advertising for bomb shelters and other inane ways to survive a nuclear attack.

6.   Radio and television journalists -- whose media rely on government advertising and licensing -- reportedly were pressured by Salinas administration officials to drop the subject.

7.   Jang sources said almost all government advertising had disappeared in recent months.

8.   That arrangement still holds sway at many newspapers where government advertising represents a significant percentage of income.

9.   The media rely heavily on government advertising.

n. + advertising >>共 214
television 19.92%
tobacco 17.35%
cigarette 9.72%
campaign 3.05%
issue 2.97%
radio 2.73%
newspaper 2.49%
billboard 1.93%
alcohol 1.85%
year 1.20%
government 0.72%
government + n. >>共 646
official 15.30%
troop 3.90%
force 3.87%
agency 2.91%
spokesman 2.83%
office 2.02%
bond 1.67%
minister 1.60%
policy 1.44%
building 1.43%
advertising 0.01%
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