1.   Federal and state governments add cigarette taxes, big lawsuits and more.

2.   At this point, the government can add evidence only if it mirror charges already in the suit filed in May.

3.   City governments add their own slogans to promote local campaigns.

4.   Days later, the government added another twist.

5.   In effect, the government is adding new costs at the same time that it is trying to squeeze out existing subsidies.

6.   In France, the center-right interim government has added police units and stepped up patrols to deal with growing law and order problems.

7.   In response, the British government added Gerald Lynch, an academic from John Jay College in New York, who had been recommended by the Dublin government.

8.   In Qinghai Province, the government has added a carrot to the stick, offering smaller families special low-interest business loans.

9.   Moreover, Escobar said, the Mexican government has added agents along the border in an effort to close the porous points where illegal immigrants routinely cross.

10.   Stamboulidis also said that the government could add names to the list in the future.

n. + add >>共 2049
official 5.90%
report 4.04%
source 3.68%
spokesman 3.32%
statement 3.31%
company 2.90%
police 1.70%
paper 1.49%
agency 1.38%
minister 0.89%
government 0.54%
government + v. >>共 732
say 7.34%
be 6.16%
have 3.74%
take 1.68%
announce 1.61%
plan 1.45%
try 1.45%
want 1.26%
make 1.24%
deny 1.19%
add 0.05%
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