1.   Agreement about how the province should be governed could be months, if not years, away.

2.   He said he would seek to replace Jacques Parizeau as the leader of the nationalist Parti Quebecois, which now governs the province.

3.   Khan had governed this province for four years before the Taliban took over and imprisoned him.

4.   NATO and U.N. officials have already begun discussions about establishing some sort of civilian political and police authority to govern the province, but for now there is none.

5.   That group will be, in effect, the cabinet in the new administration that is supposed to take over governing the province from London.

6.   The Parti Quebecois, dedicated to seceding from Canada, still governs the province that calls itself a nation.

7.   The province is governed, unlike any other, by a coalition dominated by the National Party.

8.   A deadline for devising a Northern Ireland peace plan passed without comment Friday as negotiators pressed through the night to bridge differences over how the province should be governed.

9.   An apology might help ease strained relations in Northern Ireland as parties from all sides seek a peaceful way to govern the province.

10.   It was uncertain whether the province would be governed by an ANC- or National Party-led coalition.

v. + province >>共 225
flee 6.32%
leave 6.10%
control 4.47%
neighbor 4.25%
visit 3.70%
enter 3.59%
rule 2.83%
govern 2.72%
keep 2.61%
administer 1.85%
govern + n. >>共 732
country 4.36%
use 2.32%
state 1.84%
conduct 1.84%
body 1.60%
sale 1.60%
life 1.50%
city 1.31%
province 1.21%
trade 1.21%
每页显示:    共 25