1.   An eight-person choir belts out gospel hymns.

2.   On a steamy Dallas afternoon, beneath the hum of ceiling fans, a young woman moved into the aisle and sang a mournful gospel hymn a cappella.

3.   When a peace rally vocalist sang a gospel hymn, marchers booed lustily.

4.   Young remembers urging a Muslim student to sit out of a worship service, but the woman said she liked the gospel hymns.

5.   Marchers sang gospel hymns and clapped their hands as they marched past police headquarters, which was guarded by officers in riot gear.

6.   Their Sabbath ceremonies smack more of gospel hymns than Hebrew psalms and their children dress with hip-hop attitude, complete with dark glasses and baggy trousers.

n. + hymn >>共 19
gospel 21.43%
childhood 7.14%
day 7.14%
funeral 7.14%
war 7.14%
army 3.57%
battle 3.57%
chant 3.57%
cover 3.57%
entrance 3.57%
gospel + n. >>共 125
choir 11.78%
singer 10.78%
group 6.27%
song 6.02%
album 3.01%
concert 2.76%
singing 2.51%
artist 2.26%
brunch 2.01%
quartet 2.01%
hymn 1.50%
每页显示:    共 6