1.   Gore won a place at Bath University.

2.   Gore also won Minnesota.

3.   Gore won a coin toss to deliver his closing remarks last.

4.   Gore won his backing among those who put the greatest emphasis on experience, grasp of the issues, targeted tax cuts and promises of health care reform.

5.   Gore won Miami-Dade and Pinellas, while Bush carried Hillsborough.

6.   Gore won the votes of most Democrats.

7.   Gore could win Florida, and thus the presidential race, if the lawsuit prevails.

8.   Gore won a healthy round of applause by asking if he could come back.

9.   Gore won his election.

10.   Gore won Iowa and Wisconsin by narrow margins, and Republicans are contemplating asking for recounts.

n. + win >>共 952
team 10.86%
party 4.18%
candidate 2.84%
company 2.16%
player 1.81%
government 1.46%
side 1.24%
opposition 1.24%
woman 1.22%
man 1.15%
gore 0.65%
gore + v. >>共 676
say 11.25%
be 10.12%
have 3.84%
make 2.44%
win 1.63%
want 1.31%
ask 1.31%
plan 1.27%
call 1.13%
spend 1.11%
每页显示:    共 72