1.   A lot of these modern theories about teaching sound really good until you actually try and put them into practice.

2.   Softboard has a spongy texture, which gives it good sound and thermal insulation properties.

3.   I think it has a very good sound and is well worth the room it takes up.

4.   Although virtually anything, including ceramic tile, will scratch, the idea of such laminated plastic sounds good to be as resistant as anything, even more so.

5.   At the Greek, ease of parking, a diverse booking policy plus good sound and seating ensure its popularity each year.

6.   Ad hominem arguments can always be made to sound good because they cheat.

7.   Good sound and picture on MTV via cable became great sound and picture on MTV via satellite.

8.   In a test, all had good sound and range, comfortably covering more than a mile in a downtown area.

9.   It did not deliver particularly good sound, but at least it worked.

10.   Jim Norman of Decatur, Ga., also appreciates good sound, but not just from his television and stereo.

a. + sound >>共 1347
only 4.22%
new 1.63%
strange 1.30%
better 1.24%
familiar 1.19%
different 1.12%
digital 1.12%
distinctive 1.07%
loud 1.04%
recorded 0.79%
good 0.61%
good + n. >>共 855
news 5.65%
time 3.35%
thing 3.15%
idea 2.33%
reason 2.30%
job 2.06%
chance 1.77%
health 1.69%
condition 1.43%
one 1.20%
sound 0.03%
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