1.   I feel so silly going through my suitcase looking for a pair of pajamas to wear to a disco.

2.   It had been the hope which had kept her going through the dawn and early morning.

3.   And Kehres has done this going through a couple of recruiting classes.

4.   Both couples talk about the unexpected gifts that going through such an ordeal can bring.

5.   But a few days later, going through his files, he found a memo he wrote in support of the bill.

6.   But Burke added that he feels even more inspired by the largely unsung members who kept the church going through good times and bad.

7.   For the most part, it was tougher going through this mentally.

8.   Giuliani is scheduled to make a midweek fund-raising visit to California, though aides said the chances of his going through with that trip were remote.

9.   He knows just what he would say to a youth group or an individual going through their own comeback.

10.   If the wire is warm to the touch, there is too much current going through one wire.

n. + through >>共 1504
way 5.85%
midway 2.79%
money 0.83%
march 0.60%
swing 0.60%
trip 0.59%
service 0.56%
route 0.55%
water 0.55%
walk 0.51%
going 0.06%
going + p. >>共 43
into 23.09%
to 20.45%
on 11.35%
in 7.26%
for 6.99%
through 3.43%
at 2.77%
up 2.24%
with 2.11%
as 1.98%
每页显示:    共 26