1.   A persistent downpour at the track rapidly reduced the going from good to firm to soft, a change which could threaten the participation of Royal Ballerina.

2.   TEN years on and going from strength to strength...

3.   His family fled eastward, going from relative to relative across Poland and into Soviet Lithuania.

4.   My only guess is it might have been a misguided vent pipe, going from, say, an upstairs bathroom, into the attic and into the flue.

5.   The nomination had faced rocky going from the beginning, when Pataki settled on Marlin without first consulting Mrs. Whitman, a breach of Port Authority etiquette.

6.   You want to ratchet up the experience somehow, going from marijuana to cocaine to heroin to PCP, saying, This is more intense, this is better.

7.   Daniels provided no examples, but such a proposal would be likely to face tough going from lawmakers eager to protect constituencies who currently received such aid.

8.   For instance, the time spent going from wakefulness to sleep does not differ in any meaningful way between exercisers and nonexercisers, Youngsted said.

9.   His wife, Kathy Ewert, keeps the family going from the money she makes in her job as a veterinarian.

10.   Major parties agree that there will be no going back from democracy and the free market.

n. + from >>共 1445
pressure 1.27%
money 1.12%
support 1.10%
official 1.10%
report 0.90%
people 0.87%
comment 0.84%
help 0.79%
call 0.72%
criticism 0.58%
going 0%
going + p. >>共 43
into 23.09%
to 20.45%
on 11.35%
in 7.26%
for 6.99%
through 3.43%
at 2.77%
up 2.24%
with 2.11%
as 1.98%
from 1.72%
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