1.   Fire-resistant materials have been mixed with the roof-thatching reed and the Kashmiri goat hair used in the plaster.

2.   Finally, the longer the goat hair, the finer and softer it will be.

3.   For the walls, goat hair and sand were mixed into plaster, then coated with lime to whiten it.

4.   It had proven effective in clinical trials on factory workers who handled large amounts of goat hair.

5.   It is difficult for people to catch the disease in nature, though it can be acquired from sick animals or goat hair.

6.   Not far from the Desert Highway that cuts across some of the most barren land in Jordan, the Azazmeh tribe lives in tents knitted from goat hair.

7.   However, prices for long good quality kids and young goats hair improved due to demand from France, the board said.

8.   Demand for better quality kid and young goat hair, however, appeared to have recovered, the board said.

9.   Demand for kid and young goat hair was encouraging but prices for adult hair remained under pressure, the board said.

10.   Despite the lower prices, however, the demand was still good, the board said, although there was limited call for strong young goat hair.

n. + hair >>共 214
body 8.50%
shoulder-length 8.14%
slicked-back 5.84%
nose 2.83%
angel 2.48%
dog 2.48%
jet 2.30%
chest 2.12%
goat 1.77%
trademark 1.77%
goat + n. >>共 109
cheese 51.38%
meat 6.16%
milk 3.61%
hair 2.12%
horn 1.49%
farm 1.49%
head 1.49%
path 1.06%
product 1.06%
salad 1.06%
每页显示:    共 10