1.   You could go a bit nutty with it.

2.   But something about ice cream makes even otherwise sane pastry chefs go a little nutty.

3.   I know a lot of screenwriters, and I go completely nutty on the subject of what screenwriters go through.

4.   Virginian Arlene Bogert still goes nutty over the episode where Lucy and Ethel work at a chocolate factory.

v. + nutty >>共 9
be 50.00%
get 13.33%
smell 13.33%
go 6.67%
sound 6.67%
seem 3.33%
taste 3.33%
become 1.67%
look 1.67%
go + a. >>共 463
wrong 11.31%
public 7.53%
further 5.02%
bankrupt 3.47%
unnoticed 2.93%
unanswered 2.08%
bad 1.72%
deeper 1.70%
wild 1.49%
free 1.46%
nutty 0.02%
每页显示:    共 4