1.   Earlier studies showed that tight glucose control reduces the risk of blindness, kidney disease and nerve disease.

2.   Improving glucose control is a major factor in reducing the risk of diabetic complications, such as blindness, kidney failure and amputations.

3.   Pramlintide mimics amylin to improve long-term glucose control.

4.   The company conducts research on the hormone amylin, which it believes to play an important role in glucose control and is missing in millions of diabetics.

n. + control >>共 839
government 10.75%
price 6.52%
border 6.02%
arm 4.73%
traffic 3.06%
export 2.61%
air 2.46%
pollution 2.31%
cost 2.15%
crowd 2.11%
glucose 0.05%
glucose + n. >>共 47
level 38.12%
concentration 5.45%
monitor 4.95%
metabolism 4.95%
absorption 3.96%
solution 3.96%
test 3.47%
tolerance 3.47%
sensor 2.48%
reading 1.98%
control 1.98%
每页显示:    共 4