1.   Cholera toxin is the enterotoxin of Vibrio cholerae and while causing secretion does not impair glucose dependent sodium absorption in the intestine and does not alter mucosal histology.

2.   Though intestinal -glucosidase inhibitors inferfere with sucros and starch digestion, glucose absorption is not affected.

3.   This slowing of carbohydrate digestion, and therefore of glucose absorption, caused by -glucosidase inhibitors had a beneficial effect in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

4.   Similar glucose absorption was obtained from WHO-ORS, UK-ORS, and RP-ORS.

5.   Glucose absorption from HYPO-ORS was less than from RP-ORS and WHO-ORS.

6.   Furthermore, restricting intraluminal sodium concentration in jejunal perfusion does not seem to limit glucose absorption.

7.   Glucose absorption from the hypotonic, monomeric, or polymeric ORS, paralleled water absorption whether the intestine was in a normal or secretory state.

n. + absorption >>共 38
water 16.35%
calcium 15.38%
glucose 7.69%
shock 5.77%
sodium 4.81%
iron 2.88%
carnitine 2.88%
chloride 2.88%
drug 2.88%
lycopene 2.88%
glucose + n. >>共 47
level 38.12%
concentration 5.45%
monitor 4.95%
metabolism 4.95%
absorption 3.96%
solution 3.96%
test 3.47%
tolerance 3.47%
sensor 2.48%
reading 1.98%
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