1.   A brief summary is given on a separate sheet.

2.   An accompanying booklet gives advice on timber selection, and how timber can be harvested locally at minimal cost.

3.   Full instructions are given on the packet.

4.   He could always pick and choose over whom to arrest and on whom to give the Nelson touch.

5.   If they have, follow the guidance given on the form.

6.   Popular nursing mythologies are demystified and explained and advice given on tailoring re-entry preparation to suit individual learning needs.

7.   The tokens are given only on completion of a specified desirable behaviour.

8.   Whatever answer is given on the assignment point, there will be some untidiness within the statute.

v. + on >>共 981
speak 4.52%
say 3.26%
appear 2.15%
remain 1.85%
be 1.70%
stand 1.66%
make 1.45%
get 1.45%
do 1.32%
leave 1.26%
give 0.21%
give + p. >>共 103
in 27.87%
on 12.63%
as 11.22%
at 8.80%
until 4.62%
about 3.33%
with 2.50%
off 2.39%
during 1.84%
into 1.82%
每页显示:    共 456