1.   If required, legislation will be invoked to give effect to the changes.

2.   Regular movement tends towards monotony, giving the effect of a hymn-tune.

3.   The fundamental purpose of legislation is to create, amend or repeal law, thereby giving effect to the intentions of Parliament.

4.   The security grilles are made from steel or aluminium, and can also give the effect of leaded lights.

5.   Two square halls would give the effect.

6.   The color gives the effect of being warm.

7.   The focus of attention is upon whether the national law could be interpreted so as to give effect to Community law obligations.

v. + effect >>共 302
take 30.15%
have 30.09%
feel 3.51%
study 1.74%
see 1.36%
show 1.35%
suffer 0.82%
produce 0.72%
examine 0.70%
offset 0.69%
give 0.53%
give + n. >>共 870
detail 9.82%
way 3.40%
name 2.50%
reason 2.44%
indication 1.91%
money 1.61%
information 1.42%
rise 1.36%
credit 1.35%
approval 1.34%
effect 0.08%
每页显示:    共 54