1.   Her favorite is ginger tea.

2.   I read, ate crackers, drank ginger tea for morning sickness that lasted all day, read and read some more.

3.   One time I was given the strongest ginger tea I had ever tasted.

4.   Rebuffed at trying to order ginger tea, she asks for a pot of hot water, then reaches into her purse to make her own tea.

5.   Sipping ginger tea or chewing on fresh ginger helps digest heavy foods or hearty meals.

6.   So few restaurants offer ginger tea that she carries a few packages of it in her purse.

7.   Varieties like Japanese green and lemongrass tea, ginger tea and even an echinacea and goldenseal tea have a natural sweetness.

8.   When I brewed my sister a pot of ginger tea she took a whiff and asked for Lipton.

a. + tea >>共 385
iced 16.14%
afternoon 8.96%
herbal 6.66%
hot 5.77%
sweet 3.33%
drinking 1.63%
indian 1.41%
cream 1.18%
traditional 1.11%
jasmine 1.11%
ginger 0.59%
ginger + n. >>共 85
root 12.94%
juice 6.97%
hair 4.48%
tea 3.98%
sauce 3.48%
slice 2.99%
lily 2.49%
bread 2.49%
cake 2.49%
snap 1.99%
每页显示:    共 8