1.   We all got slightly nutty at times.

2.   And maybe I am, because I get nutty when I hear somebody say that, especially when they say it to a child.

3.   And wait for the owner to get nutty.

4.   Elsewhere, it simply gets nutty.

5.   Sure, things could get nutty by the final BCS poll a week from today.

6.   Then things got nutty.

7.   Things get a little nutty at the end of every century.

8.   Want to get nutty with your recipes?

v. + nutty >>共 9
be 50.00%
get 13.33%
smell 13.33%
go 6.67%
sound 6.67%
seem 3.33%
taste 3.33%
become 1.67%
look 1.67%
get + a. >>共 602
better 5.38%
worse 5.34%
ready 4.68%
involved 4.63%
married 2.65%
hurt 2.16%
close 2.07%
sick 1.99%
older 1.95%
under_way 1.87%
nutty 0.02%
每页显示:    共 8