1.   Getting negative on Jordan always winds up looking silly and petty.

2.   Nor, with one caveat, do I care how negative their advertising gets.

3.   Television ads are getting increasingly negative, they say, but radio has become the weapon of choice.

4.   The optimism gave way, and when the data got too negative to ignore, the policymakers finally acted.

5.   You can get negative.

v. + negative >>共 19
be 76.74%
prove 6.95%
turn 5.37%
go 3.79%
remain 2.47%
become 1.07%
come 0.88%
sound 0.88%
appear 0.32%
get 0.32%
get + a. >>共 602
better 5.38%
worse 5.34%
ready 4.68%
involved 4.63%
married 2.65%
hurt 2.16%
close 2.07%
sick 1.99%
older 1.95%
under_way 1.87%
negative 0.01%
每页显示:    共 5