1.   I do not believe that the genuine asylum seeker will be treated fairly.

2.   Those claimants undermine the claims of genuine asylum seekers, and no one would wish to defend them.

3.   We will introduce improved welfare and legal rights for genuine asylum seekers and establish substantive rights of appeal.

4.   It pits a frayed tradition of hospitality against louder voices demanding harsher measures to bar access to all but genuine asylum seekers.

5.   Amnesty International has urged the summit leaders to ensure their clampdown does not jeopardize the human rights of genuine asylum seekers.

6.   Amnesty International appealed to European Union leaders Wednesday to ensure a proposed clampdown on illegal immigration does not erode the human rights of genuine asylum seekers.

7.   Governments have been unwilling to tighten security at refugee camps for fear of violating the human rights of genuine asylum seekers desperately fleeing persecution.

8.   However, the justice ministers insisted EU labor markets would remain open to legal migrants and genuine asylum seekers would continue to find a safe haven in Europe.

9.   The agency was also asking for access to the Somalis so that it, along with government officials, could assess whether they were genuine asylum seekers.

10.   Refugee groups have criticised the new laws saying they will make it harder for genuine asylum seekers to apply to stay in Ireland.

a. + asylum >>共 194
north_korean 5.89%
seeking 5.12%
failed 4.50%
insane 4.03%
vietnamese 3.57%
temporary 3.41%
mental 3.41%
afghan 3.26%
new 1.86%
rejected 1.86%
genuine 1.55%
genuine + n. >>共 1051
article 3.30%
refugee 3.07%
concern 2.33%
interest 1.94%
peace 1.40%
desire 1.13%
affection 1.01%
hero 1.01%
threat 0.97%
emotion 0.85%
asylum 0.39%
每页显示:    共 10