1.   Human papillomavirus have been reported to be associated with the genital tract and extragenital tumours in previous studies.

2.   He helped to define a relatively new field dealing with conditions of the urinary system and the male genital tract.

3.   The cell samples are analyzed by a lab to detect malignant and precancerous conditions of the female genital tract.

4.   Trachoma is caused by different strains of the same bacteria that causes infections of the genital tract.

5.   In a separate study, Brown University researchers will report that combination drug therapy effectively lowers viral levels in the genital tracts of HIV-infected women.

a. + tract >>共 210
large 16.20%
gastrointestinal 11.34%
vast 11.12%
respiratory 8.32%
huge 5.83%
upper 3.89%
intestinal 3.78%
biliary 1.51%
religious 1.51%
housing 1.30%
genital 0.54%
genital + n. >>共 44
mutilation 48.85%
cutting 14.62%
area 10.77%
sore 2.31%
injury 1.92%
tract 1.92%
lesion 1.15%
lip 1.15%
secretion 1.15%
abnormality 0.77%
每页显示:    共 5