1.   A clear example of a mutation altering development is the inherited genetic defect, sickle cell anaemia.

2.   According to one school of thought, the disease is caused by a genetic defect.

3.   Cancer, genetic defects and accelerated ageing can be caused by exposure to low level radiation.

4.   The condition is caused by a genetic defect.

5.   The finding could ultimately lead to a way to correct the genetic defect, scientists say.

6.   The pair announced that they had identified a genetic defect in the dopamine system of some alcoholics.

7.   Andrews argues that fixing a genetic defect that causes a catastrophic disease and passing that correction to new generations would be a benefit, not a risk.

8.   Do they want a notation describing a genetic defect added to their permanent medical records?

a. + defect >>共 174
genetic 20.31%
structural 4.13%
serious 3.79%
physical 3.44%
congenital 3.44%
technical 2.58%
mechanical 2.58%
minor 2.58%
same 2.41%
manufacturing 2.07%
genetic + n. >>共 576
material 7.88%
test 4.66%
information 4.23%
mutation 3.34%
defect 3.01%
research 2.98%
disease 2.83%
disorder 2.12%
makeup 1.96%
analysis 1.66%
每页显示:    共 117