1.   The Market forces that drive the garment industry can generate employment for thousands, but without security or long-term improvement.

2.   Anemic economies have been unable to deliver the growth to generate employment on this scale.

3.   Bass said its service business particularly will generate local employment.

4.   Los Angeles and the Valley will have to make the most of the economic boost caused by the quake and hope it helps generate long-term employment, he said.

5.   The new generation of reform Democrats generates government employment through social services instead of government opportunity.

6.   But in this time of leaner work forces, the Chiado may never generate the employment it did before the fire.

7.   But Pastrana urged the United States also to drop trade barriers to Colombian products, which would generate employment here and give Colombians an alternative to narcotics production.

8.   Cherdchai said the construction of the shrines generated employment in the village.

9.   Given the declining importance of agriculture in terms of creating GDP, generating employment and earning foreign exchange, agriculture is no longer being considered the engine of growth.

10.   He pledged to accelerate the reforms if the Congress is returned to power in ways that would generate more employment.

v. + employment >>共 203
find 14.80%
seek 9.53%
provide 5.16%
create 4.97%
boost 4.97%
offer 3.18%
reduce 2.78%
increase 2.68%
generate 1.99%
gain 1.79%
generate + n. >>共 986
revenue 6.99%
electricity 4.00%
profit 3.24%
interest 2.94%
power 2.68%
income 2.47%
lot 2.03%
excitement 1.96%
cash 1.89%
controversy 1.75%
employment 0.34%
每页显示:    共 20