1.   This publication is intended only as general guidance.

2.   General guidance on this is provided by the Health and Safety Executive.

3.   This section gives general guidance about applying to the University.

4.   General guidance in computing in government is the responsibility of the Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency but even they can only advise not command.

5.   At that time, company executives are expected to provide their first general guidance for the upcoming year.

6.   But some Radars who work downtown speak English and can give directions and general guidance.

7.   Gualtieri and two other adults, Scott Goering and Margaret Libby, offer general guidance, answer questions and check for mistakes.

8.   They can also offer general guidance on places that would meet individual requirements, although they will not make specific recommendations.

9.   Such federal advisory letters to individual companies often are made public, and other businesses look to them for general guidance.

10.   Such federal advisory letters to individual companies are made public so that they may serve as general guidance.

a. + guidance >>共 275
parental 4.84%
spiritual 4.84%
clear 3.14%
new 2.88%
moral 2.75%
divine 2.49%
detailed 2.36%
specific 2.36%
further 2.09%
additional 1.96%
general 1.31%
general + n. >>共 725
manager 32.77%
secretary 6.37%
public 3.94%
counsel 2.53%
director 2.36%
population 1.59%
army 1.33%
purpose 0.97%
rule 0.95%
meeting 0.92%
guidance 0.04%
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