1.   But Allstate general counsel Robert Pike said agents were given a budget based on performance.

2.   John Liftin, Kidder general counsel, Declined to comment.

3.   Also at the meeting was Paul Jannuzzo, general counsel for Glock Inc., the pistol maker.

4.   Also present, according to sources, was general counsel Todd Dickey and school administrators.

5.   Also slated to appear voluntarily before the subcommittee are board members Robert Jaedicke and Herbert Winokur, general counsel Jordan Mintz and Chief Operating Officer Jeff McMahon.

6.   Also to be named an FCC nominee is William Kennard, currently general counsel at the agency.

7.   Also, general counsel Fred Feinstein is expected to seek a preliminary injunction to restore the old work rules in the meantime.

8.   Although Kelleher was a director and general counsel of the Dallas-based airline, he at first remained at his law firm in San Antonio.

9.   Amgen Inc. said it named mergers and acquisitions specialist George Vandeman as a senior vice president and general counsel.

10.   Among those who praised the database was John Van de Kamp, general counsel and chief executive for the Thoroughbred Owners of California.

a. + counsel >>共 204
independent 44.16%
general 15.91%
legal 6.92%
special 6.58%
chief 3.29%
former 2.85%
outside 2.00%
associate 1.45%
assistant 1.17%
senior 0.86%
general + n. >>共 725
manager 32.77%
secretary 6.37%
public 3.94%
counsel 2.53%
director 2.36%
population 1.59%
army 1.33%
purpose 0.97%
rule 0.95%
meeting 0.92%
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