1.   Honest answers to these questions suggest that the general assumption that growth in one country benefits the entire world is highly dubious.

2.   The following computations are based on both general assumptions about all families and specific assumptions about families at specific income levels.

3.   This highlights the second major difficulty with the theories, the general assumption that there is a unitary dimension of arousal.

4.   The general assumption of Gratian and his collaborators was that the contradictions in the early canon law were only superficial or apparent.

5.   There was a general assumption that traditional rights of all kinds were too fundamental to be overridden by a mere change in formal political allegiance.

6.   There was still a general assumption that the self-confidence and savoir-faire they conferred were essential in any aspirant to one of the major embassies.

7.   Therefore one is warranted in making the inference from the behaviour to the beliefs and intentions of the speaker only by a general assumption of sincerity, or cooperativeness.

8.   Had Davis won that case, the general assumption was that he would have used his new fortune to break his lease in Oakland.

9.   Population genetics is a rigorous science but is statistical in nature and depends on several general assumptions that may not always perfectly mirror actual events.

a. + assumption >>共 371
economic 7.40%
basic 4.00%
underlying 2.87%
false 2.87%
common 2.61%
old 2.52%
reasonable 2.26%
optimistic 2.09%
different 1.74%
widespread 1.74%
general 1.22%
general + n. >>共 725
manager 32.77%
secretary 6.37%
public 3.94%
counsel 2.53%
director 2.36%
population 1.59%
army 1.33%
purpose 0.97%
rule 0.95%
meeting 0.92%
assumption 0.06%
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