1.   All but a few expressed general agreement with government actions.

2.   However, it is possible to identify a few fairly distinct elements upon which there was general agreement.

3.   Internal problems Inevitably achieving general agreement on Market completion involved a delicate balancing of national interests.

4.   One of the problems, though, is that there is no general agreement on what these characteristics should be.

5.   There is a general agreement of how it came apart.

6.   There is general agreement among doctors that pregnant women should not smoke.

7.   There is general agreement that copyright is a good idea.

8.   Today there is general agreement that ozone is destroyed by chlorine.

9.   There is no general agreement on a standard definition of intelligence.

a. + agreement >>共 609
new 6.29%
final 4.68%
tentative 3.61%
international 3.27%
bilateral 2.98%
licensing 2.61%
similar 2.56%
such 1.91%
preliminary 1.54%
formal 1.52%
general 1.29%
general + n. >>共 725
manager 32.77%
secretary 6.37%
public 3.94%
counsel 2.53%
director 2.36%
population 1.59%
army 1.33%
purpose 0.97%
rule 0.95%
meeting 0.92%
agreement 0.73%
每页显示:    共 176