1.   By tracking the patterns of SNPs inherited in families where a disease is prevalent, biologists hope to identify the gene variants that contribute to the disease.

2.   Probably everyone carries some gene variants that could predispose them or their children to disease.

3.   Probably almost everyone possesses many gene variants associated with adverse health effects.

4.   So by looking at the blue dots on the nylon strip, scientists can immediately see which gene variants an individual has.

5.   The first gene variant, reported by the same team of researchers, occurs almost entirely in people with northern European ancestry.

6.   The researchers declined to make the speculative leap between their drosophila gene and possible human gene variants that may influence sexual orientation.

7.   If the heart benefits are confirmed, Herrington said, doctors could do a simple genetic test to find out if their patients have the gene variant.

8.   LDL, the bad cholesterol, decreased but the gene variant did not appear to make a significant difference.

9.   They found that the suspect gene variant had been inherited by the children more often than one would expect by chance.

10.   They found that the gene variant had been inherited by the children more often than one would expect by chance.

n. + variant >>共 23
gene 29.73%
product 10.81%
cell 5.41%
body 2.70%
cattle 2.70%
cyber-age 2.70%
five-door 2.70%
group 2.70%
hold 2.70%
laboratory 2.70%
gene + n. >>共 238
therapy 33.39%
mutation 3.17%
experiment 2.85%
sequence 2.54%
research 2.22%
trial 1.90%
test 1.90%
expression 1.74%
fragment 1.74%
technology 1.67%
variant 0.87%
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