1.   When inheritance is controlled by many genes, the cruder techniques of quantitative genetics can be applied.

2.   The tat gene of HIV controls the rate of viral DNA replication.

3.   Cell division is usually controlled by genes known as suppressors.

4.   In male fruit flies, the gene controls courtship rituals, copulation and sexual orientation.

5.   In the workshop sessions and in private discussions scientists explained why they were so impassioned and why they came to believe that genes controlled life spans.

6.   It gives a handle on the biochemical processes that these genes might control.

7.   Of course, there is still a long way to go in understanding how genes control our lives but his contribution is enormous.

8.   Stowers scientists will conduct basic research into how genes control the way cells develop.

9.   The fourth gene controls the production of a fluorescent protein, so the pulses of fluorescence indicate the periodic output of the clock.

10.   The gene controls the production of a receptor in the brain that is involved in the regulation of appetite.

n. + control >>共 891
government 5.85%
rebel 5.57%
party 3.79%
company 3.24%
force 3.21%
troop 2.39%
arm 1.89%
hard-liner 1.32%
group 1.13%
state 1.10%
gene 0.66%
gene + v. >>共 233
be 29.19%
make 4.67%
cause 3.35%
produce 2.82%
play 2.73%
do 2.65%
work 2.38%
have 2.29%
control 2.12%
come 1.41%
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