1.   A consumer campaign that broke the De Beers cartel and created a free market in gem diamonds would be a splendid idea.

2.   Gem diamonds have no intrinsic value, and their value depends totally on the upscale image the industry has created over the years through slick advertising campaigns.

3.   The technique, while very expensive, produced gem diamonds of high quality and large size.

4.   The decree, ITAR-Tass said, authorizes diamond company AK Almazy Rossii-Sakha to export rough gem diamonds.

n. + diamond >>共 52
baseball 46.80%
conflict 8.87%
softball 4.93%
blood 3.45%
quality 3.45%
gem-quality 2.96%
gem 1.97%
ball 1.48%
market 1.48%
nut 0.99%
gem + n. >>共 47
dealer 9.52%
center 5.71%
mine 5.71%
case 5.71%
cutter 5.71%
mining 4.76%
trade 4.76%
diamond 3.81%
sale 3.81%
show 3.81%
每页显示:    共 4