1.   But the gear shifted back into reverse in the sixth inning.

2.   It intermittently blew fuses, causing the gears not to shift properly.

3.   So typically smooth are the plot mechanics that you never hear the gears shift as Hillerman accelerates the action.

4.   In a note that should strike fear into the other teams in the tournament, Veron added Argentina was slowly shifting gears so as not to peak too early.

n. + shift >>共 878
focus 5.80%
investor 4.15%
company 3.30%
wind 2.98%
attention 2.88%
momentum 1.81%
power 1.36%
mood 1.14%
emphasis 1.11%
balance 1.11%
gear 0.13%
gear + v. >>共 102
be 32.79%
include 5.33%
become 2.87%
make 2.46%
fail 2.05%
break 2.05%
grind 2.05%
work 1.64%
shift 1.64%
allow 1.23%
每页显示:    共 4