1.   Each door is equipped with two electric motors and one gear assembly.

2.   Shuttle managers ordered checks of more gear assemblies to assure themselves the slow response is not widespread.

3.   The part, which is made of Vasco, holds bearings in a gear assembly, or raceway, on which the bearings move.

4.   The part, which is made of Vasco, holds bearings in a gear assembly, or raceway on which the bearings move.

n. + assembly >>共 200
school 9.17%
government 7.68%
city 6.18%
fuel 4.26%
tail 2.56%
student 2.56%
morning 2.13%
car 2.13%
wheel 1.92%
loyalist 1.49%
gear 0.85%
gear + n. >>共 76
box 11.17%
change 10.19%
shift 8.25%
failure 7.77%
problem 4.37%
maker 3.88%
entanglement 2.91%
mechanism 2.43%
part 2.43%
assembly 1.94%
每页显示:    共 4