1.   Indeed, in many parts of Germany, opponents have banded together to gather signatures demanding a referendum on the reforms.

2.   Lawmakers gather to demand a permanent extension of the ban on offshore oil drilling.

3.   The student protesters had gathered to demand that Israel live up to an agreement to release Palestinian political prisoners.

4.   Twenty prosecutors gathered to demand that the governor and House Speaker Clyde Ballard, R-Wenatchee, not interfere with the Wenatchee cases.

5.   Trouble began when soldiers attempted to head off the protesters who had gathered to demand the resignation of army leader Lieutenant General Raoul Cedras.

6.   Outside the courthouse, hundreds of Pathan men gathered to demand that Afridi be returned to her family to be executed and her beloved sentenced to death.

7.   Comandante Ramona arrives in Mexico City where a group of students gather to demand renewed peace talks between the government and the Zapatista National Liberation Army.

8.   On Sakhalin Island north of Japan, protesters gathered to demand that the islands remain in Russian hands.

9.   Several skirmishes erupted later in the downtown area where demonstrators gathered to demand the release of the union leaders and were dispersed by police.

10.   Thousands of protesters gathered to demand that Lopez Obrador back up his promises with actions.

v. + demand >>共 107
call 6.22%
demonstrate 5.33%
gather 5.33%
be 4.00%
rally 4.00%
become 3.56%
march 3.56%
protest 3.56%
arrive 2.22%
go 2.22%
gather + v. >>共 238
watch 15.71%
discuss 5.63%
protest 4.10%
hear 3.75%
celebrate 3.52%
greet 1.99%
remember 1.88%
welcome 1.76%
see 1.64%
pray 1.64%
demand 1.41%
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