1.   The gate swings open behind me.

2.   The gate swung open and the Lada pulled through.

3.   The gate swung shut behind her.

4.   The gates swung silently open.

5.   There was a metallic click and the gates swung open.

6.   The gate swung outwards, and he found himself looking up at the massive head of a yawning dragon with creased cheek and jowl and a lolling red tongue.

7.   As she talks, the gates swing open and shut in more or less tandem.

8.   As the gate swung open, a jack rabbit darted around a bush and crouched in hiding on the rocky ground.

9.   Prison gates would not swing open.

10.   The gates swing open because I carry a broadcast-type smart card with an antenna and a memory bank that debits the fare.

n. + swing >>共 447
pendulum 12.25%
door 6.95%
momentum 2.19%
mood 2.10%
price 1.74%
gate 1.65%
police 1.46%
stock 1.37%
hitter 1.28%
guy 1.19%
gate + v. >>共 119
be 26.68%
open 22.74%
swing 4.18%
close 3.48%
have 2.55%
shut 1.62%
give 1.39%
lock 1.16%
bar 0.93%
come 0.93%
每页显示:    共 18