1.   These findings suggest that the loss or decrease of gap junctions in gastric surface epithelium may be associated with gastric ulcer formation via changes in intercellular communication capacity.

2.   An increased proliferative capacity of the gastric epithelium next to the areas of MALT derived lymphomas has been postulated as a possible mechanism.

3.   Duodenal biopsy specimens were stained with periodic acid Schiff for the detection of metaplastic gastric epithelium.

4.   The question has been raised whether these changes result in restoration of the duodenal mucosa and disappearance of gastric epithelium from the duodenal bulb.

5.   The bacterium, however, does not penetrate the gastric epithelium and the mechanism by which it induces inflammation of the underlying mucosa is unknown.

6.   The Table shows the relation of the number of micro-organisms with both bacterial morphology and their modes of contact with gastric epithelium.

7.   We proposed previously that the three patterns of physical relation between H pylori and gastric epithelium could represent stages in evolution of bacterial infection.

8.   We now conclude that two ultrastructural bacterial patterns exist, and that these two patterns are linked to the modes of contact with gastric epithelium.

a. + epithelium >>共 25
colonic 14.29%
gastric 12.86%
olfactory 11.43%
surface 11.43%
biliary 8.57%
intestinal 7.14%
gastrointestinal 2.86%
metaplastic 2.86%
normal 2.86%
rectal 2.86%
gastric + n. >>共 138
mucosa 11.64%
secretion 10.23%
metaplasia 7.80%
cancer 6.27%
cell 3.07%
lymphoma 2.69%
surgery 2.30%
acid 2.17%
body 2.17%
biopsy 2.17%
epithelium 1.15%
每页显示:    共 9