1.   Invitro gastric antral biopsies were stimulated by vortex mixing and eicosanoid measurements determined by radioimmunoassay.

2.   Grossly normal appearing gastric biopsy specimens were taken from healthy volunteers.

3.   Endoscopic gastric antral biopsy specimens were also obtained for urease activity, culture, and histology.

4.   A total of four gastric antral biopsy specimens were taken for histology, culture, and CLO test.

5.   Patients with certain histological abnormalities may be seropositive for H pylori despite the failure to identify the organisms in their gastric biopsy specimens.

a. + biopsy >>共 85
liver 8.88%
endoscopic 6.25%
intestinal 5.92%
gastric 5.59%
mucosal 5.26%
small 4.61%
antral 4.28%
surgical 2.96%
duodenal 2.96%
colonic 2.63%
gastric + n. >>共 138
mucosa 11.64%
secretion 10.23%
metaplasia 7.80%
cancer 6.27%
cell 3.07%
lymphoma 2.69%
surgery 2.30%
acid 2.17%
body 2.17%
biopsy 2.17%
每页显示:    共 17