1.   The holds remained closed until Monday, when the crew opened them to let the gas dissipate before the ship arrived in New York.

2.   Under ordinary circumstances, they say, radon gas slowly dissipates into the atmosphere, where it becomes diluted to concentrations that are almost harmless to living creatures.

3.   The gas dissipated within four hours, authorities said.

4.   The gas dissipated slowly towards nightfall, although the strong westerly winds were causing it to spread over a wide area, he said.

n. + dissipate >>共 188
fog 5.00%
cloud 4.67%
tension 3.00%
anger 2.33%
feeling 2.00%
heat 1.67%
crowd 1.33%
gas 1.33%
haze 1.33%
rain 1.33%
gas + v. >>共 250
be 25.39%
come 3.12%
leak 2.56%
cause 2.34%
escape 1.89%
have 1.67%
seep 1.56%
begin 1.45%
go 1.22%
become 1.22%
dissipate 0.45%
每页显示:    共 4