1.   Shock that people have to live from the garbage heap of a richer surrounding economy.

2.   And Simon herself acknowledges that a Viking coin was found in a shell midden, which is something like an ancient garbage heap, on the coast of Maine.

3.   A friend salvaged it from a garbage heap after the club closed.

4.   A little old man lives in the middle of a gray garbage heap.

5.   But building a golf course on a Bronx garbage heap should rank as one of his most creative projects.

6.   Demo winds up in garbage heap with the piles of other unsolicited demos received that week.

7.   Or a pack of stray dogs may be disputing ownership of a garbage heap.

8.   Palestinians said the man was a taxi driver tossing a bag of garbage into a roadside garbage heap.

9.   The hut where she works is filled with sweet odors of rot from a nearby garbage heap.

10.   When does the cardboard box become worthy of nothing more than the garbage heap?

n. + heap >>共 43
compost 25.16%
trash 20.13%
garbage 9.43%
ash 8.18%
junk 5.66%
rubbish 3.14%
slag 2.52%
manure 1.89%
dung 1.26%
six-story 1.26%
garbage + n. >>共 160
bag 20.10%
dump 14.27%
collection 9.80%
bin 7.43%
disposal 4.81%
time 4.14%
container 3.29%
pickup 1.86%
man 1.60%
service 1.35%
heap 1.27%
每页显示:    共 15