1.   Hutu gangs slaughtered tens of thousands of Tutsi.

2.   Critics have slammed both the central government and the security forces, which largely stood by as Dayak gangs slaughtered Madurese migrants.

3.   In Trinidad, a gang slaughters four family members in a drug dispute.

4.   They had swarmed into Goma and other Zairian towns, fearing retribution from advancing Tutsi soldiers after Hutu mobs and gangs slaughtered at least half a million minority Tutsis.

n. + slaughter >>共 80
soldier 6.12%
man 4.08%
meatpacker 4.08%
authority 3.40%
farmer 3.40%
militia 3.40%
mob 3.40%
people 3.40%
troop 3.40%
gang 2.72%
gang + v. >>共 444
be 12.39%
use 2.69%
have 2.63%
take 2.44%
attack 2.32%
operate 1.81%
fight 1.69%
try 1.69%
kill 1.38%
roam 1.31%
slaughter 0.25%
每页显示:    共 4