1.   Decision-process models also assume that consumer learning and experience will build up and affect future purchase situations.

2.   Now the price has fallen and future purchases by discount houses will be at the new, lower rate.

3.   Price-off coupons, either in or on the pack, may be redeemed against future purchase of the product.

4.   Among the contracts Reliant entered into were those governing future purchases.

5.   But the pattern is one that the bill envisions for future purchases, and the experiment here is consequently being closely scrutinized.

6.   Buyers will get reduced interest rates and discounts on future purchases.

7.   Customers can apply through Dell, which offers Dell Dollars toward future Dell purchases each time the card is used.

8.   Gateway offers rebates toward future purchases to customers who return their old computers to designated collection sites.

9.   However, anyone who owns or buys Mutual Series shares before the merger will be exempt from sales charges on future purchases.

a. + purchase >>共 561
stock 4.77%
major 3.67%
new 3.41%
home 2.68%
recent 2.61%
large 2.50%
big 2.39%
first 2.39%
possible 2.20%
online 2.09%
future 1.17%
future + n. >>共 1250
state 3.22%
generation 2.31%
growth 1.75%
earnings 1.53%
plan 1.51%
government 1.40%
capital 1.36%
attack 1.06%
president 0.97%
development 0.96%
purchase 0.18%
每页显示:    共 32