1.   But such fusion tickets are an anomaly elsewhere in the country and in fact are prohibited in most states.

2.   But, Tribe replied, that right comes at an unacceptable price when fusion tickets are not allowed.

3.   Fusion tickets were common throughout the United States earlier in the century, before the major parties succeeded in most states in having them banned.

4.   The party is challenging bans on fusion tickets around the country.

n. + ticket >>共 368
airline 15.34%
plane 10.13%
lottery 9.52%
air 3.86%
traffic 3.38%
concert 2.60%
movie 2.56%
bus 2.52%
theater 2.24%
airplane 2.20%
fusion 0.16%
fusion + n. >>共 97
reactor 8.73%
energy 6.55%
surgery 6.18%
cuisine 5.45%
reaction 5.45%
research 4.73%
food 4.00%
power 3.27%
cage 2.91%
process 2.91%
ticket 1.45%
每页显示:    共 4