1.   He said Argentina and Brazil are due for further upgrades.

2.   If you upgrade now, be sure to check back in a few months for further upgrades.

3.   The phone is also equipped to receive E-mail, but users will have to wait until USOrder makes further software upgrades, which is expected next year.

4.   International experts say further upgrades will be needed at the plant.

a. + upgrade >>共 175
major 8.97%
free 5.28%
recent 2.64%
significant 2.64%
technological 2.64%
latest 2.37%
future 2.37%
first-class 2.11%
planned 2.11%
costly 1.85%
further 1.06%
further + n. >>共 781
detail 13.81%
comment 3.59%
information 2.76%
talk 2.30%
investigation 2.01%
action 1.95%
cut 1.54%
study 1.54%
test 1.45%
evidence 1.41%
upgrade 0.01%
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