1.   Chemicals in the paint render the rust inert and help to discourage further outbreaks.

2.   Henry held Richard responsible for this further outbreak, which was in flagrant defiance of his recent ban.

3.   She also said that the Department would re-investigate the situation if evidence arose of a further outbreak of the gizzard worm infection.

4.   The report recommends local authorities monitor water supplies and review their emergency plans in the event of further outbreaks.

5.   He said the best way to prevent further outbreaks of violence is to ensure that victims see their oppressors punished.

6.   Palestinians consider Sharon the instigator of the recent violence and his inclusion in the Israeli government could spur further outbreaks.

7.   Since then, all ship surfaces were washed down with disinfectant, and there have been no further outbreaks of illness on the ship.

8.   The government and the companies had a responsibility to protect the public from any further outbreak by pursuing a recall, the FDA official said.

9.   U.S. military personnel and equipment also are being dispatched to Goma and other refugee camps to help create more sanitary conditions to prevent further outbreaks of disease.

10.   You might discourage further outbreak among other petunias by decreasing irrigation.

a. + outbreak >>共 228
new 9.76%
latest 9.69%
recent 4.77%
possible 4.56%
fresh 3.77%
current 3.42%
further 3.13%
serious 2.78%
major 2.71%
worst 2.64%
further + n. >>共 781
detail 13.81%
comment 3.59%
information 2.76%
talk 2.30%
investigation 2.01%
action 1.95%
cut 1.54%
study 1.54%
test 1.45%
evidence 1.41%
outbreak 0.14%
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