1.   As a result, church members fearing ridicule and judgment flee from what should be the very bedrock of comfort, causing them further isolation.

2.   But political analysts in Tehran say Iran could use the opportunity to play a more active role in the Middle East and Central Asia and thereby avoid further isolation.

3.   Defiance would risk an economic meltdown and further isolation for a government that took power in a coup almost two years ago.

4.   For Professor Daly, this has meant further isolation.

5.   It meant cold looks at the bank, anonymous phone calls, further isolation.

6.   But fearing further isolation, the Brotherhood said recently it might participate in municipal elections next month.

7.   Continued refusal to cooperate with The Hague would lead to further isolation and might trigger economic sanctions against the Bosnian Serb government, which is in financial distress.

8.   Every time they show up, they drive Israel into further isolation and add to its internal divisions.

9.   Protracted refusal to cooperate with The Hague would lead to further isolation and might trigger economic sanctions for the Bosnian Serb government, which is in financial distress.

10.   The move may lead to further isolation for Cambodia, which within days of the coup last week faced economic sanctions and condemnation from a growing number of countries.

a. + isolation >>共 242
international 16.89%
diplomatic 9.86%
social 5.67%
political 3.17%
economic 2.83%
self-imposed 2.72%
complete 2.38%
splendid 2.27%
increasing 2.27%
virtual 2.04%
further 1.81%
further + n. >>共 781
detail 13.81%
comment 3.59%
information 2.76%
talk 2.30%
investigation 2.01%
action 1.95%
cut 1.54%
study 1.54%
test 1.45%
evidence 1.41%
isolation 0.05%
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