1.   Further input was secured from consultant psychiatrists working in the new community units.

2.   Having selected one of the options you will be prompted for further inputs.

3.   Once the prepass phase has been completed, the following further inputs will be required.

4.   Ignition occurs when the alpha particles provide enough energy to sustain the reaction, and no further input of heat is needed.

5.   Any further input of government funds to rescue the ailing Belgian airline would face tough scrutiny of EU regulators.

6.   Cambodia, meanwhile, said it will press forward with preparations to try Khmer Rouge leaders for genocide with or without further input from the United Nations.

a. + input >>共 223
public 14.57%
sensory 3.74%
local 3.54%
creative 2.17%
direct 2.17%
significant 1.77%
valuable 1.57%
agricultural 1.38%
considerable 1.38%
acoustic 1.18%
further 1.18%
further + n. >>共 781
detail 13.81%
comment 3.59%
information 2.76%
talk 2.30%
investigation 2.01%
action 1.95%
cut 1.54%
study 1.54%
test 1.45%
evidence 1.41%
input 0.02%
每页显示:    共 6