1.   When the story was published, he was dismissed from his post, and had great difficulty raising money for further excavations.

2.   Archeologists warned that the museum could also hinder further excavation at a potentially rich archeological area.

3.   But their work was halted for six weeks when the town passed an ordinance forbidding further excavation.

4.   For the next three years, he carried out further excavations as the field director of Sudanese expeditions conducted by Oxford.

5.   Further excavations are planned here.

6.   Further excavations should help to settle the question.

7.   Hiebert plans to return to Annau, possibly next month, for further excavations to be financed in part by the National Geographic Society.

8.   Chaowarin said he ordered the site sealed off by police, soldiers and fine arts department officials until the media could be on hand for further excavation.

9.   Further excavation of the bridge was halted until later Friday to give exhausted crews a break, crisis management spokesman Klaus Weswe said.

10.   Further excavations retracing the steps back into the cliff may uncover other prints which can be left on site once the originals are safely preserved in a museum.

a. + excavation >>共 120
archaeological 10.12%
recent 6.88%
further 5.67%
archeological 4.86%
major 4.45%
new 3.24%
first 2.83%
future 1.62%
earlier 1.62%
subsequent 1.62%
further + n. >>共 781
detail 13.81%
comment 3.59%
information 2.76%
talk 2.30%
investigation 2.01%
action 1.95%
cut 1.54%
study 1.54%
test 1.45%
evidence 1.41%
excavation 0.05%
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