1.   These interesting observations certainly justify further evaluation of intermittent treatment in a controlled setting.

2.   Treatment was carried out and further evaluation was performed with endoscopy, computed tomography, and endosonography according to the endoscopic aspect.

3.   Further evaluation of these possibilities awaits selective study of apical and basolateral acid-base transport systems and their regulation in intact NaCl absorbing epithelia.

4.   Both sets passed initial on-site inspection but were sent to Charlotte, N.C., for further evaluation.

5.   A decision on surgery may be made after a further evaluation late Thursday or Friday.

6.   Doctors said Ford will remain hospitalized here for five to six days to undergo further evaluation.

7.   Ferris said some concerns about the ground-based instruments were satisfied even without moving the stadium after the FAA conducted further evaluations.

8.   Ford decided at the time not to undergo further evaluation.

9.   Giacomini said cables will not be strung immediately on the suspension portion of the bridge, pending further evaluation.

10.   Further evaluation will be done today.

a. + evaluation >>共 290
psychiatric 15.34%
psychological 8.15%
medical 5.72%
further 3.03%
independent 2.51%
preliminary 1.91%
mental 1.82%
positive 1.65%
final 1.39%
thorough 1.30%
further + n. >>共 781
detail 13.81%
comment 3.59%
information 2.76%
talk 2.30%
investigation 2.01%
action 1.95%
cut 1.54%
study 1.54%
test 1.45%
evidence 1.41%
evaluation 0.11%
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