1.   He has toned down the funk beats and gospel-like choirs of his previous efforts, replacing them with undulating rhythms and purring keyboard-centered arrangements.

2.   Some of the best hip-hop beats incorporate the surface noise of a vinyl record playing an old funk beat into the music.

3.   The first few cuts ratchet and bleep over warped house or funk beats, sometimes tossing in a mocking vocal hook.

4.   Using hip-hop, funk beats and flashes of world-beat influences, her first solo effort paints warm, infectious pictures.

n. + beat >>共 182
heart 22.30%
drum 8.69%
dance 3.76%
police 3.52%
rock 2.82%
techno 2.58%
samba 2.11%
world 1.88%
team 1.41%
religion 1.17%
funk 0.94%
funk + n. >>共 40
band 13.33%
beat 6.67%
group 6.67%
music 5.00%
rhythm 5.00%
sound 5.00%
frenzy 3.33%
dancer 1.67%
explosion 1.67%
familiar 1.67%
每页显示:    共 4