1.   Funhouse mirrors, which are not flat, cause images to be distorted.

2.   Some of the stories act like funhouse mirrors, distorting an event or exaggerating a truth by reflecting it from a crooked surface set at a different angle.

3.   Still, many experts view the yarns as funhouse mirrors that seriously distort the real medical dramas.

4.   The effect is akin to seeing the world through a funhouse mirror.

5.   The New York Rangers and the Edmonton Oilers, who met Tuesday night at Madison Square Garden, reflect each other like distorted images in a funhouse mirror.

n. + mirror >>共 111
bathroom 13.03%
side 8.24%
side-view 6.38%
fun-house 4.52%
wing 4.26%
bedroom 3.72%
hand 3.72%
vanity 3.72%
morning 3.19%
wall 2.66%
funhouse 1.33%
funhouse + n. >>共 7
mirror 45.45%
aspect 9.09%
attraction 9.09%
haze 9.09%
proportion 9.09%
sport 9.09%
surprise 9.09%
每页显示:    共 5